Bundle Club

Bundle Club

As most of you know, my husband and I are expecting our first little one early this March. We are beyond excited to be entering this next chapter of our lives; however, that elation comes with a tiny bit of fear as we embark into unknown territory.

Bundle Club with Katie Newman

My sweet husband knows nothing about babies, and I mean nothing. I had no difficulty convincing him that babies came straight out of the womb with their complete set of teeth. At first I found his lack of knowledge odd (and hilarious), but then I realized men are rarely given the opportunity to care for small children unless they have younger siblings. It’s not often you hire a male babysitter.

I have more experience with children as I nannied during college; however, the youngest child I cared for was well over a year old. So the thought of being completely responsible for an infant scares me just a tad. I don’t know exactly what needs to be done ahead of time to prepare for our little blessing. And if I hate anything, it’s feeling underprepared.

Bundle Club with Katie Newman

Like most parents, I want the very best for my baby. I recently tried to start my pre-baby shopping, but I quickly became overwhelmed. With thousands upon thousands of reviews online it is difficult to sort through the vast sea of products out there. Furthermore, every “what you need for your baby” list is totally different! So frustrating for a first-time-mom!

That’s where Bundle Club comes in.

Bundle Club is a subscription-based service that provides me with the opportunity to shop baby goods from the comfort of my own home. (I’m all about comfort these days.) I simply pay a small monthly fee ($25), they send me a box curated to my baby’s specific needs, and I can pick and choose what I want to keep. The best part? The research has been done for me. I don’t need to sift through endless reviews only to be more confused than when I started. It’s so easy and efficient!

Bundle Club with Katie Newman

Once I’ve picked out the goodies for my baby, I simply mail the other items back in a pre-paid envelope. I’m only charged for the items I keep, and even better yet my membership fee is applied against my purchase! So I essentially get $25 off. Score!

Here’s what you might find in your “bundle”:

• A pack of organic cotton kimono onesies
Bundle Club with Katie Newman

• A lightweight swaddle blanket
Bundle Club with Katie Newman

• An “E-Z” swaddle
Bundle Club with Katie Newman

• Grooming kit and a portable changing pad
Bundle Club with Katie Newman

• A pack of organic burp cloths
Bundle Club with Katie Newman

Bundle Club is amazingly convenient and the products they showcase are both adorable and practical; but, what ultimately drove me to support the brand is its story.

Nisreen, one of the company’s founders, is a brilliant, Ivy League law school grad with the world at her fingertips. So when I found out she was also an entrepreneur I was not surprised in the least.

What did shock me was her approach to her new business or “baby” if you will. After speaking with her it became evident to me that this isn’t about money, fame, or any other worldly measures of success. This service was inspired by her life, her upbringing, her story. She truly believes in what Bundle Club offers and is more interested in making better humans than making more money. Bundle Club genuinely wants to help expectant mothers to reach their full potential; it has my (and my baby’s) best interest in mind.

Motherhood is an important job and it is a difficult job. So why not take advantage of something that makes it just a little bit easier? If you are interested in receiving more information about Bundle Club or are ready to sign up visit bundleclub.net. (P.S. A subscription would make an EXCELLENT baby shower gift for an expectant mother in your life!)

Bundle Club with Katie Newman

Bundle Club with Katie Newman

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